LGA supports new APPG for digital communities
The LGA has supported Parliamentarians to launch the new Digital Communities All-Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) to explore the digital needs of our communities.
Last month, the LGA, Helen Morgan MP and various other parliamentarians met in Westminster to hold the inaugural meeting of the newly created Digital Communities APPG.
The APPG aims to promote the delivery of digitally equipped places that support and foster a connected, healthy and productive community.
This includes the creation and maintenance of sustainable digital infrastructure and providing residents with equal opportunity to thrive in a digital world.
At the inaugural meeting, Richard Foord MP (Lib Dem), Alison Taylor MP (Lab), and Viscount Camrose (Con) were elected as officers, with Helen appointed as Chair.
The APPG will now work to produce its first report; one that will take stock of the current digital landscape and put forward recommendations to government on steps it should take to deliver digitally enabled councils, digitally empowered residents, and digitally equipped places.
Whether it is supporting residents reliant on telecare services or upgrading their own platforms and services to be fit for a modern economy, councils are the linchpin to convening stakeholders and unlocking the digital potential of our places.
The APPG will be a key driver in facilitating these discussions.
If digital connectivity is an issue in your area, we encourage your local MP to join the LGA’s new APPG.
Read the full article in LGA's Local Government First magazine: Digitally-equipped places